Films Classic scene: The Goonies The Spielberg-penned adventure for all the family (except really the kids…)
Interviews Ice T – I’d Like To Thank It’s INDUSTRIA’s imaginary awards acceptance speech. Step up Ice T, 54, rapper, actor, director
Features 26 Movie Clichés We Actually Don’t Mind We are your self-appointed crusader against the formulaic and obvious. Except when it comes to punches, hot scientists, alcoholics and Steven Segal
Features 24 Things Not For Kids Death, despair, drug use – we list the 25 disturbing moments in children’s entertainment
Features 29 Unsung Heroes Finally we pay a long overdue tribute to those unrecognised and under-appreciated characters. Run the Oscars obituary style tape…
Interviews How I Work – Paul Feig The director of Bridesmaids, Paul Feig, on his latest film, The Heat and finding kudos in comedy
Features The 9 Most Unintentionally Funny Movies Ever Who needs Animal House when there are directors churning out comedy gold like The Happening…